Monday, October 4, 2021

#03 Deep V-neck Cardigan

The year is 2014. I bought a Vogue Knitting magazine in the Fall of the year and decided to knit a cardigan from it. I bought the yarn for the size small.
That's the cardigan in the magazine on the left, and the back as I was knitting it on the right in that photo. However, this photo was not taken in 2014, it was taken this summer. What happened in the last 7 years? Brooklyn Tweed, that's what happened. I started reading Jared Flood's blog back when he posted about knitting Elizabeth Zimmerman's Saddle Shouldered Aran Cardigan. I kept reading as he developed a pattern business, then a yarn company. I had knit a few of Jared's/Wool People designs, notably Galloway (Jared Flood) and Gehry (Ann McCauley)--twice for each of those. Then when Truss (Melissa Wehrle) came out in Volume Nine of Wool People in 2015, and the Deep V-Neck hadn't been knit yet, I repurposed the yarn and knit Truss.
That didn't take all of the yarn I had purchased for the Deep V-neck. With the leftovers, I knit a Rug sweater (Junko Okamoto) in 2018.
Of course, Rug required other yarn leftovers and additional yarn purchases. Then, on assessing these two sweaters last Winter, I saw that they were showing signs of wear, even though they weren't getting worn all that often. I looked at the Deep V-neck pattern again, and could not remember why I postponed knitting it. Thankfully, with knitting, once you re-think your choices, you can re-knit. I ripped out those two sweaters and knit the Deep V-neck.
Now I have a new sweater that is more on-trend with current fashions. The funny thing is that no one would ever think that this yarn had been used before. In case this hasn't been a long enough knitting discussion for you and you would like to continue wandering down old knitting pattern lane, follow the links below to the patterns and blog posts I have mentioned:

Brooklyn Tweed post on the Saddle Shouldered Aran

Volume 9 of Wool People, with Truss, Gehry, and other patterns

Galloway--this is a fun knit!

1 comment:

Basia Nolberczak said...

I like this pattern very much and waiting for your new knitted sweater:)